DIN 7991 / ISO 10642 - Punjab - Other business offers, Punjab - 3149194


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DIN 7991 / ISO 10642 - Other business offers

Ref. number: 3149194 Updated: 27-05-2024 11:24

Offering: Other business offers in India, Punjab

DIN 7991, equivalent to ISO 10642, is a standardized specification that outlines the requirements for fasteners, specifically hexalobular internal driving torx screws. This international standard ensures that these screws, characterized by their unique star-shaped recess, meet rigorous quality and performance standards. By adhering to DIN 7991 / ISO 10642, manufacturers can guarantee the reliability and consistency of their fasteners, which are widely used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and construction, where high torque and resistance to tampering are paramount. By regulating the dimensions, material, and mechanical properties of these screws, this standard enables the creation of high-quality fasteners that can withstand the demands of diverse applications.

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First name: RSG
Last name: Fasteners
Phone number: 7009379413
Mobile number: 7009379413
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