Buy Organic Wheat Dalia - Pureio Farm - Punjab - Other services, Punjab - 3155272


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Buy Organic Wheat Dalia - Pureio Farm - Other services

Ref. number: 3155272 Updated: 08-07-2024 14:22

Price: 55 INR Rs

Offering: Other services in India, Punjab

Wheat dalia/bulgur wheat or broken wheat is a healthy dietary choice. This low fat, storehouse of nutrients is laden with the added benefits of high fibre. It is a completely nutrition-loaded food. Pureio Farm organic wheat dalia is prepared with the goodness of nature and without any preservatives. It can be consumed at any time of the day; you can take it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is a superfood that keeps you full for a longer time as compared to other regular foods. It’s time to add a bowl of organic wheat dalia to your diet! Buy PureiO Farm’s organic wheat dalia and take the first step toward a healthy lifestyle. Visit:

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First name: Ravi
Last name: Kumar
Phone number: 8146679794
Mobile number: 9915377063
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